Tuesday, July 29, 2008


In considering an interview, the most important step is to be prepared. Do some research, finding out as much about the position and facility as possible. Job descriptions, advertisements, Internet sites can provide valuable information about a facility and position, as can employees, or even walking through the facility itself.

Consider what will be the most important attributes for the position. For example a staff RN needs to demonstrate skills such as decision making, good communication, stress tolerance, teamwork, and customer service to name a few. Write down as many skills as you think are important. Now, for the really hard part, with each individual skill attempt to think of at least two examples of how you demonstrated this attribute.
An interviewer does not want you to tell them that you are customer focused; they need to be shown evidence that you are. Describe the situation, what you did to overcome the situation and what the result was. Also include any recognition you may have received from your actions, i.e. letters from patients, etc.
With this list you will be much better prepared to answer any queries during your interview. Some interviewers will focus on the skills necessary for the position others will be more general and then you have to work in your homework into the conversation.

Always ask for good clear directions to your interview location and if necessary make a trial run so that you can arrive early. Bring an extra copy of your resume, in case the interviewers desk looks anything like mine. Make sure you have identification, your nursing license, and any other applicable credentials.
Dress appropriately, either in business attire or, if preferred, in the uniform of the position you are seeking. Be rested, arrive early, sit up straight, make good eye contact and appear relaxed but confident.

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