Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Work Place Meltdown or Going Postal

I grinned at the news report of Steven Slater. Mr. Slater, a flight attendant, recently made the news by using his planes intercom to spew his workplace dissatisfaction. He then grabbed a couple beers and escaped using the inflatable emergency slide. There is a small voice in all of us that has had the desire or will have the desire to yell enough is enough. But there is also a calmer voice calculating the mortgage payments, car payments and other responsibilities that quietly states “take 10 deep breaths”.
The media coverage given this man is spurring reports of dissatisfaction and unhappiness in the U. S. workplace. But is this truly a new phenomenon? In my generation we called it “going postal” and believe me that was a far more serious situation.
All of us can sympathize with a man who was whacked on the head with a piece of luggage and then treated rudely by the passenger. But have you ever been to one of the Super Stores on a busy Friday evening and step in front of the lady with two children in tow and a fully laden grocery cart?
Part of society’s functionality is its member’s ability to not act impulsively in situations. I am not talking about jumping in a pool fully clothed, but rather telling your boss that perhaps he is a moron. Deadlines, rude customers, co-workers, all contribute to an environment waiting for an explosion. Thankfully most of us will not “go Slater” and positively work out the situation that has us steaming.
Making news headlines for irresponsible and impulsive behaviors is not productive and will surely have copy cats doing the same. Making people smile will not be a tangible component on Steven Slater’s resume unless Comedy Central has openings. Take 10 deep breaths and if your difficult situation cannot be resolved over time, resign responsibly and at your convenience. And probably your boss is not really a moron but stealing two beers from your company will make you one.


Susan said...

You are so right!Everybody cannot act out their emotions everytime things go wrong or have a bad day.After all is said and done he will regret what he did and wish he had his job back.

Loney B Moses RN said...

again all over the television tonight. And it just is not that important a story.

Corrine said...

You stated this soo well! Initially we laughed at this when we heard it. However, this type of behavior is not acceptable, and especially not in the workplace. This person will be receiving unemployment due to his inability to control himself, which we all pay for. I personally would like to worry about more important things . . . .